3 min read

Dangerous, Clear Water

The Gates of Scorpio

50 - 28 - 44 - 1 - 43 - 14

*You can find some of my favorite keynotes and GK translations for each gate below.

It’s Scorpio season and while I am not your resident astrologer, I am someone who is admittedly fascinated by the translations of the Gates/Hexagrams that tell us the story of Scorpio in such a beautiful array of textures. I began this project in another place about 2 years ago in a private group space and have been observing the zodiac signs from this perspective since then.

The Sun transits the first three gates of Scorpio through the Splenic center. Where we find our survival instincts and vitality. This existential tour of the spleen moves us deeper into the watery stillness of embodied wisdom. Wisdom that exists right now, it is your birth right. This is about drawing down into the deep well of the self to see what is already there. There is nothing to do and everything to see. After Libra season we are slowly, integrating lessons of relationship and moving towards our individual expressions of the singular Self. Not aside from community but as a breathing Self inside the larger web of life.

Scorpio season takes us deep down even further to the center of ourselves, right into the G-center where we magnetize and create reality via our frequency. The G-center is attracting and bringing us everything that we are meant to love, find purpose inside of and belong to. With Gate 1 pointing towards the Throat, we are propelled towards our individual expressions with life. Scorpio holds the ability to concisely and clearly create and bring new life forward from a deep place of awareness.

As we enter the deep autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, our inner stillness begins the seeding of next years harvest. Scorpio is stealthy and creatively selective. The “deafness” found in Gate 43 allows for the protection of the individual. This is a self-restraint that is wise in its consumption of resources. That which poses threat to Scorpio’s clarity will feel the sting of that implication. It strikes that which threatens prosperity and continuity. Scorpio is a fearless protector of itself and those it serves. Scorpio is not only clear in the present moment but is able to consider what might be needed through the long winter’s night. Embodied foresight. Thinking for ourselves not only protects us, but also ensures that those around us receive fully as well. By attuning to our individual awareness we become a source of regenerative stillness that ensures the health of our community.

We finish our Scorpio season in the Sacral center inside of Gate 14 - “Possession in Great Measure” which is the physical regenerative quality of resources and the response to distribute and invest energy accordingly. This energetic knows exactly what is needed and when. When misplaced, it may compromise its energy without equal return leaving us empty in the Spring thaw. The Sacral teaches and shares the wisdom of regeneration. What we sow, we also harvest. It shows up in our physical body as a natural emergence of action, of life force which is the power to create prosperity within and without. The sacral is not forced action, it rises naturally within.

Scorpio plants the bountiful seeds of tomorrow inside of rest. Scorpio is a protector of the weak. Scorpio celebrates and delights in all that life is with its life/death cycle and finds the transcendent immortality inside of all. Scorpio is safe inside its depth and Scorpio is welcoming you deeper into her watery wisdom, yet again.

If you hold any of the below mentioned qualities in your bodygraph, this season is inviting you to connect to the wisdom of Scorpio. What qualities of Scorpio do you possess?

If any of these qualities are activating a hanging Taurus gate (found on the opposite half of the channel), these qualities might be a “not-self” theme for you. How are you able to love your not-self as an ally to your most embodied Self? These not-self themes are here to show you more of your embodied Taurus light, not to shame you.

50 - Corruption - Equilibrium - Harmony

Spleen - Awareness center - Tribal Circuitry - Physical: Lymph, T-cells, Spleen

28 - Purposelessness - Totality - Immortality

Spleen - Awareness center - Individual Circuitry - Physical: Lymph, T-cells, Spleen

44 - Expectation - Detachment - Celebration

Spleen - Awareness center - Tribal Circuitry - Physical: Lymph, T-cells, Spleen

1 - Entropy - Freshness - Beauty

G-Center - Magnetic Monopole - Individual Circuitry - Physical: Blood & Liver

43 - Deafness - Insight - Epiphany

Ajna - Awareness center - Individual Circuitry - Physical: Neocortex, Visual cortex, Pituitary gland

14 - Compromise - Competence - Bounteousness

Sacral - Regeneration center - Individual circuitry - Physical: Ovaries/Testes

It has been my experience that the corresponding body systems become activated by the transiting seasons accompanying these Gates. Pay attention to what is coming up in your body as these Gates transition through the season to its corresponding physical attribute. Disclaimer: This is not medical advice.

Resources from this post:

The Definitive Book of Human Design: Lynda Bunnell and Ra Uru Hu

The Gene Keys : Richard Rudd

Yin Mysticism : Brynja Magnusson

Cave Space : Britten Larue

Living Systems : Leah Garza

The Spell of the Sensuous : David Abram

The Wild Mind : Bill Plotkin