4 min read

Outrage Fueled Dreams

An Open Letter to the HD Community

I am increasingly uninterested in the separated individualistic application of Human Design. I’m done with it. It’s not my reality. That is, the human design system as a tool to further colonize and systematize the mind into keynotes. The human design language used as a verbal manipulation to shame and discount anecdotal human experience.

I look around the HD community and see regurgitations. And then offers based on said regurgitations. No soul. No experiment. Just “pure source”. And pure capitalistic, colonial perpetuation. I concede that these reflections are a bit over-generalized and flagrant, but MY GOD let’s call it what it is. This is not meant to shame but to invite our Spirits back into the discourse and sharing of the gift of Human Design.

I know and see that my critical (survival) viewpoint of the system is not the cool thing. My posts do not get passed around, or shared on stories. (However y’all are saving them as reference 👀) It does not promise social capital, it does not promise success. In fact, the way that I will teach you is to begin by asking you to unlearn every single thing that keeps you limiting your expression and boxed inside of shame. Every. Single. Thing. Type? Strategy? Eh! Try again!!!!!

I don’t care that someone told you that you’re a projector here to guide me or that your splenic hit was a no. What did you find out for yourself?

The human design system offers us something far more advanced and intelligent in its organization than has been discovered so far by Ra’s prescriptions and keynotes and qualifications.

It is a blueprint of the conditioning force that we are in the world. A fully textured living system of higher energetic intelligence. It is not just a science of form mechanics but a tool of self-liberation and fractal alignment. This is both deeply mystical and profane, at the same time. This system is not simply about knowing the Self, but about the connection of our Self to all other beings.

Human Design applied and experimented for ourselves could literally change the world. It stands to change the reality we live inside of collectively. It allows for us to learn the language of our energy and to begin to strip back the layers of conditioning we’ve inherited. When we begin to reclaim our differentiated expression and take responsibility for ourselves, our choices, our power — that frequency magnetizes us more fully to our fractal alignment (G-Center anybody?) The “fractal” consists of places, people, experiences that are more aligned with the Truth of who we are. Our reconnection to our truth LITERALLY has rippling affects into reality in a way our minds can’t fully comprehend.

My recent outrage was reinitiated by a memory of a certain “authority figure” within the HD community who had sought me out for a “9 centered discourse” after I had left a comment on Sam Zagar’s post asking her audience “what do you see”. My answer after watching 2 close friends at the time have awful experiences at a recent HD conference was to share the “pervasive patriarchal rot that had made its way into a system meant to liberate” (I stand by this comment LOL). This person, having never interacted with them before, sought me out in my DM’s, posted screenshots of our private conversation and then completely ghosted me. They could have at least tagged me.

It’s these exact situations, as well as many more unlisted, that have shut down and silenced creators, thought provokers and evolutionary thinkers from having a voice inside this space. It keeps Human Design small. Vapid. Empty.

Many are inclined to say, be the algorithm. Nobody cares. Why worry about other people? That’s so 7 centered of you.

BUT In a space like Instagram that is so much based off social capital and audience, these experiences can be totally crushing. It is our leaders, our elders and our peers that amplify our new voices and help connect us to the ecosystems we belong to. We bring each other up, together. We build better worlds, and ways of community, together. We need each other. Even, inside of online spaces.

I am becoming ever increasingly disturbed and outraged at the lack of evolution and critical thought by supposed leaders in this space. This is exactly why I cringe witnessing the continued watering down and policing of a system that is so full and potent with possibilities and applications. We haven’t even fully witnessed the depth provided by our quantum design. To continue to limit ourselves within the lens of someone’s else’s (Ra’s) conditioning field and translations, makes no sense. IT IS TIME TO DREAM OF A NEW WAY.

We see this not only in the Human Design community, but at large. We must start this mission in our more intimate and applicable spaces for that change to ripple into the larger communities. This is a call to action for leaders to step into their sense of role modeling. To become curious about what else the Human Design system can teach us. To ask each other in earnest if we are serving our differentiation or continuing to pillage the spaces that do not belong to us. Our online spaces require as much tending as the actual lands our homes are built upon. These spaces connect us through time and space and how might we shift reality by tending them with as much care as we do our bodies. What kind of integrity of differentiation might we steward by fully embodying our design and teaching a new way?

Human Design can be a tool for soul level, foundational liberation. We are the leaders that initiate and guide beings into their fully embodied Selves. We must treat this possibility with the importance and care it deserves. We all deserve to meet our Truth. And in meeting our Truth, we might one day heal, together.