Heavenly Bodies

A space for cosmic synthesis.

Exploring the mystical and spiritual translations of Human Design.

We are a reflection of the Heavenly Bodies above, in our Heavenly Bodies below.

The science is not absolute. We are working with theory, a deeply mystical and initiatory system of energetic language, comprised of esoteric systems dating THOUSANDS of years. This is Human Design and there is more work to be done. Heavenly Bodies seeks to bridge the language of absolutes and keynotes into a felt experience of your cosmic synthesis (the body graph).

Reclaiming our Heavenly Bodies asks us to learn the frequency of our soul incarnation. To hear the song of the soul emanating from within. It is the lyrics of energy. Direct to source.

Whether you have just found Human Design or have known this language intimately, this experiment is inviting you into a new perspective. A more mystical and magical orientation.

What is Heavenly Bodies?

This is a term used for our membership space exploring our Human Design bodygraph as an energetic bridge of the cosmic synthesis that we were given at birth. This space explores the placements, structures and circuitry found in our differentiated chart to understand and experiment more deeply in a way that we can understand outside of keynotes and teachings that might take us out of our own experience.

How is Heavenly Bodies transmitted/delivered?

These teachings and explorations will be held in a free form lecture series via private podcast feed, a live “Energetic Invitation” with the zodiacal archetypes guiding our journey and exploration and access to the full library as it is built via my innocent translations and lectures. I am innocence motivation so these topics will arrive with my cyclical activations through major transits, life experiences and collective downloads.

How is the lecture content decided?

By touching into the larger cycles of the “Energetic Invitations” this helps me tune into my own body and reflect what is here. By reflecting and sharing this process, I hope to encourage and bring others into their own contemplative, expansive and cosmic experiment within their own bodygraph, as well. In reflecting and sharing this space, I encourage community conversation and q&a to reveal and uncover our own understandings. This is about our very own translations of source through our differentiation.

This space is for the holy rebels, the curiously enchanted, the walker of worlds and the grounded mystics. Heavenly Bodies takes us on a journey back to the center of who you came here to be. To remember your most divine essence and reclaim it.

As a part of your membership, you will receive access to:

Upcoming live lectures
Private podcast feed
Community Telegram chat

How to use this space?

Download The Telegram Chat

This is where you will be able to find updates, zoom links, community conversation and more!

Check Your Email

Content, private podcasts and experiments will be delivered via email. Stay tuned!

Get Curious

Ask questions, disagree, stay open, have fun! This is all about reclaiming the "experiment" for yourself. If you're curious about a specific topic, placement, planet, etc ask and you shall receive. I will only be reflecting what is present. Which you will help me identify.