3 min read

Setting Our Sights

The Gates of Sagittarius

*See below for Gate Information

34 - 9 - 5 - 26 - 11 - 10

Finishing our final gate in Scorpio seasons gate 14 really felt like the stinger of the Scorpion. Taking the medicine whether I liked it or not which opened me up for 3 more consecutive Sacral gates moving into Sagittarius season. The common thread I pull here as I contemplate Sagittarius is the archer’s target and its adaptability towards orienting to common goals. This mutability allows for a cunning and striking invisibility. An ability to move with what’s present.

In the Gene Keys, 34, 9 and 5, the biological relation to the Sacral is described as “sacral plexus”. A further investigation will show the relationship to this section of our nervous systems role in womb/reproductive health and leg/hip mobility (see: sciatic nerve). I love that additional part. Our legs. Such a casual thing to overlook but thank god for LEGS. To carry us. Move us forward. Holding us, carrying us through this life. These first 3 gates evoke the steadfast nature of our humanity. The strength, determination and patience to wield the bow and loose an arrow with precision. A very response driven reflexive skill.

Sagittarius is a mutable archetype and a natural shape shifter. This adaptability allows for adventure and new landscapes to unfold while orienting towards an intended target. Perhaps where the love of travel comes in. This adaptability in movement feels key to opening this archetype past it’s mainstream limitations.

Gate 34 is apart of the integration circuitry that can quite literally be translated as the integration of our power as well as the lessons from Scorpio’s watery depths. The next two gates, 9 and 5, orient us externally towards sacral application with the larger life around us. That is, response as a natural emergence. Movement stemming from flow and not from force.

This very responsive nature of Sag is fueled further by a passage in the Heart of life. Gate 26. Sag is driven, responsive and creative and envelops a more tribal/collective participation with its skills and we see how we move from a more individual meditative depth with Scorpio into a the fierce action orientation of those resources. Scorpio is the question, Sag is the answer. It’s walking the talk.

Need we forget the time of year in the northern hemisphere. Well past harvest, we have come to a time of creative preservation, a preparation and patience for a winter still yet to come. And possibly bringing in additional resources to add from our travels. There is artfulness in making much with little. A resilience and fortitude to stay the course. 26 accumulates and takes account of the resources at hand. The archer of Sagittarius has its eyes on a goal and that arrow is pointing towards the depths received from Scorpio, and our individuated role inside the tribe. However community savvy Sag might be, there is still self interest.

After the heart, we find ourselves inside of the awareness of the Ajna with gate 11. No longer deluded by the situation at hand, we allow a sort of realistic magic to enrich the archer’s movements. This idealism is a necessary ingredient to weathering the winter still yet to come. A collective dream and light bursts forth just as the sun shrinks its capacity overhead. The mindset needed to compliment the physical fortitude already forged.

Capricorn will meet us in between the beginning and end of gate 10, but we find ourselves in rhythm and natural flow after a season of preparation. The hearth has been lit by the warmth and fortitude of Sagittarius’ devotion.

The story of the Archer weaves what it is to allow our actions in the world to emerge from the drive and fire of our deepest desires. When we surrender to our natural responses to life, we move and dance and flow with what is present now. We are a conduit of higher intelligence in motion. We can receive everything we need if we only listen to the body and allow our life force to set our sights to true North. The path is cleared and our eyes unblurred. Life is adventure. Life is fun. Life is open. I receive because I am.

As I leave this Sag season transmission, I must note that we are all here together in the northern hemisphere feeling this pulse of the Archer whether or not activated in our charts.

What Sag gates do you have defined? Which are bridge gates activating a channel for you? Which are completely open sharing seasonal wisdom of the larger shifts?

See below for more info on the gate of Sagittarius

34 - Force - Strength - Majesty

Sacral - Motor Center - Integration Circuitry - Physical: Womb/Sacral Plexus/Legs

9 - Inertia - Determination - Invincibility

Sacral - Motor Center - Collective Circuitry - Physical: Womb/Sacral Plexus/Legs

5 - Impatience - Patience - Timelessness

Sacral - Motor center - Collective Circuitry - Physical: Womb/Sacral Plexus/Legs

26 - Pride - Artfulness - Invisibility

Heart - Motor center - Tribal Circuitry - Physical: Thymus Gland

11 - Obscurity - Idealism - Light

Ajna - Awareness center - Collective Circuitry - Physical: Pituitary gland

10 - Self-Obsession - Naturalness - Being

G-Center - Magnetic Monopole - Integration circuitry - Physical: Chest/Heart

It has been my experience that the corresponding body systems become activated by the transiting seasons accompanying these Gates. Pay attention to what is coming up in your body as these Gates transition through the season to its corresponding physical attribute. Disclaimer: This is not medical advice.