We Belong To Each Other
Your bodygraph isn’t just about seeing who you are for yourself. It isn’t just about individuality and your mechanics.
Your bodygraph is about seeing where you belong within the systems of your life. That there really isn’t just a singular, YOU. There’s who you think you are and the constant unfurling of life death and rebirth. The entire premise of the 7 year deconditioning cycle is based on the science that every cell of our body dies, falls away and is regrown within that period of time.
We are what we eat, what we read, the people we surround ourselves with, our parents living DNA, our ancestry and the gum on our shoes.
It was easy for me to become self-obsessed with the details, qualities, placements and authority of my design without ever considering what that meant in the landscape of my life and the people around me. And that wasn’t the point of the Human Design system as created by Ra Uru Hu. It seems his purpose was simply in delivering this information, organizing it and allowing us to all see ourselves more clearly in a new, mechanical way.
It has been my experience that while systems (such as Human Design) serve an evolutionary purpose like the one stated above; we as growing, evolving beings also find ourselves meeting the edge where old systems can no longer serve us in the direction we are headed. These systems in fact, begin to hinder our process. Our job is to learn how to discern when we’ve met the edge of one systems support and are ready for another.
Sometimes these systems already exist and sometimes we are ready to create our own. Richard Rudd is an excellent example of this evolutionary process. He was a student of Human Design in its early days and has gone on to create the Gene Keys as an evolution of what he learned from Human Design. You can listen more to his story HERE.
It’s not lost on me that we quickly approach 2027 and the prophesied fall of The Cross of Planning. For those of us not interested in the nitty gritty, essentially an evolution of the collectives programming from systems and structure towards individual realization and collaborative creativity. You can read more on this post HERE.
I’ve spent the past few years trying to understand why this information (the Human Design system) is so present for me. Why I find myself within it’s grip, why it plagues my every thought, why I continue to envision a new application for “mechanics of the individual”. The online Human Design community is a daunting space to be in. Full of know it all regurgitators and the “pop HD” police. I have seen so many people chewed up and spit back out and so my fear of rejection and abandonment continued to take front stage.
Until now.
I am actually not here to be defined by this system of individuality. I am not here to be boxed and caged by seeing myself clearly. The mirror that Human Design presented me became my undoing. Sure I could see the reflection of myself, but I also couldn’t imagine how that was positive for anyone else around me or my life as a whole. The mirror was an obstruction the life happening behind it. And I am eternally grateful for it’s role in my self development.
There is a time for reflection and then there is a time for living and being and playing. And seeing who we are is just the first step.
I have felt and sampled the clarity of this energetic information that the Human Design system has offered me. I feel the impact of the Manifestor. I know the cool truth of a Splenic authority and yes, I have sampled many emotional waves in my lifetime. And I really wish more Projectors would wear sunglasses.
However, this is just the beginning. It is time to live the life behind the mirror instead of living inside the self-obsession of your individuality. And I think I’m finally getting ready to share the process of my experimentation in applying this knowledge to the ecosystems of my life. Seeing my energetic being as a part of a larger whole. And not just for myself.
We are all entangled with everything that creates our reality. We are not separate from one another, that is an illusion. We are barely even ourselves. And so the journey back to each other begins.
**If you are a creator, thought leader, analyst, speaker within the Human Design realm, I would love to open conversation around the potentials/questions I will be posing. Business is changing, exchange is evolving. Please do not copy and paste and pervert this information for profit, sell or releasing a new group container. And if you resonate with this information and evolution, I would love to collaborate and exchange with you about it. I am on the LAX of Dominion 2. I am here to question and reimagine new ways of gathering together as a tribe. I am not claiming to know it all. I am sharing the questions that have risen from me in my “experiment”. Thank you.
Credit to Leah Garza’s “Living Systems” for changing and alchemizing a new way of looking at my life and the Human Design system from an ontological perspective. I am forever grateful. Find her HERE
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